Fleet Check System - Sync Technologies

General Description: The studio has reverse engineering tools that will allow users to reverse engineer source of various languages like java, C, C++, COBOL, Java, PHP, Python, VB, VC and Java Script. This is product line and technology platform developed for the following products.

AgileDoc is a documentation product, which allows you create documentations of source code in various level from high level Design to detailed design, design patterns and code level understanding of algorithms.

Design Consistency checker checks consistency across different modules of code written in set of languages EJB and JS. Our impact analyzer helps user to analyses impact of a change in code. also checks consistency of aspect oriented design represented in UML format.

Business process extractor takes your application source code and configuration files extracts business process to BPMN diagrams.

Duration:2 years

Team size: 5

Role : Research and Development Engineer ( filed 4patents for the technology developed )

Tools and Programming Languages Used : Eclipse, Java, Javacc, Aspectj, JPlot, GNUplot, XSLT& XML.